Sunday School
Sunday School for all ages begins at 10:00 a.m., and is held during the school year beginning the Sunday after Labor Day and ending the 1st week of May, before Mother's Day. We would like the name for Sunday School to reflect our purpose and so Sunday School for children has officially been called "Kidz Kore" as the core of our Christian Educational structure.
There is a nursery for infants and tots. Children are encouraged to attend Kidz Kore anytime after they turn 3 years of age, according to the desire of the parents. Children, ages 3 yrs through 5th grade meet in our Children's Wing. They will enjoy music and worship together and divide into classes for personal Bible stories and training.
Middle school is divided into age groups for more comfortable Bible teaching and participation. They meet in the 3 rooms of the northwest corner of the building (Rooms 6-8).
High school teens, grades 9-12, are divided into 2 groups and meet in the Youth Room (Rooms 4-5).
Several adult classes are held: One foundational study and one for ladies only. Often others are developed, depending on the desire of leadership. There is also a class designated for college students. Everyone is encouraged to find a class to grow in your walk with the Lord.